We have two one year olds! I can't believe it! I'm sure other parents can attest to how fast time flies when you have an infant. I had no idea - I mean everyone tells you how fast it goes but you can never fully understand until you live it.
Noah is 20lb 3oz and 28.5" tall. He love to dance to any song but "Shut Up and Dance With Me" is his ultimate fav (with "All About That Bass" as a close second). He loves any kind of fruit and will eat blueberries all day if I let him. He loves to sing 5 little monkeys with mom and has the walking thing down pretty good. He's even tried running a little bit (heaven help me). He is such a social butterfly when we're out in public and loves to say Hi to everyone. He can say YES, HI, DADA, & MAMA. If you ask him what a monster says (or dinosaur, tiger, lion, bear, frog, pig, giraffe, fish etc.) he replies with "RAWR!". His first haircut was the night before his 1st birthday and he is rocking it!
Elleanna is 18lb 13 oz and 28" tall. Her favorite thing to do is to read books. I catch her multiple times a day looking at book and 'reading' it to herself. She loves to babble too and always has something to say. She definitely has a strong personality and does what she wants when she wants. She has just started to walk but is quickly catching up to Noah in stability and speed. She loves when Mom sings primary songs to her and tries to sing along. Elleanna can say HI, GEE (doggie), DADA & MAMA. She has recently started dancing and loves to groove to any music.
I love my little babies and how they are definitely each their own person. Its such a testimony builder to me that as I watch their personalities blossom, it is so apparent that we are each born with unique spirits. Even with being twins its so interesting to see how different these two are. I also know that Heavenly Father knows what he's doing when he sends spirits into specific families. How blessed I am to be their mommy!
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