Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3 Months and The Best Daddy A Mommy Could Ask For

Boy, am I grateful for this guy.

Alpine slide in Golden CO. 

I never had a doubt that he would be such a great dad but now that he's in the thick of it he amazes me every day.
Check out those baby holding skills! He is a natural.

I am usually not one to brag and boast on social media about how awesome my husband is, but i've just been thinking about how grateful I am for him and I wanted it to be forever written on our blog. So, seriously, this guy! Not only has he changed diapers from day one, he now regularly changes cloth diapers (not an easy task)! He also gets up to help me at night still - even though I have a system down. He relieves me when I need a break. He has supported and encouraged me through the ups and downs of our breastfeeding journey. He works so hard for our little family which gives me the opportunity to stay home with the twins. He loves us and is so supportive! He makes me want to be a better mother and a better person.

I honestly couldn't do it without him. So glad I get to do this whole parenting shindig with him.
Daddy and Elleanna in the early days.
Daddy and Noah (6 months) at cheesecake factory

Ok, now on to the baby pictures. THREE MONTH photoshoot! This month went a lot more smoothly as they didn't cry as much and they actually looked at the camera sometimes. 

Noah 3 months

Elleanna 3 months

Elleanna and Noah - 3 months

Their first Halloween was so fun! Noah and Elleanna were dressed as owls. THANK YOU Grandma Sandell for the owl hats... the perfect inspiration for their costumes! I made them the rest of their outfit to match. Cameron and I also got in on the halloween action and we were the trees (wearing brown pants and a green shirt). We love being festive!

Mommy and Noah at our church's halloween party.

Double baby hold - skills!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I love the family costume! Someday I'll get everyone to dress up...some day!
